Eternally Bound: Epilogue

Eternally Bound: Epilogue
----- Incarceration -----

Like numerous times before, Demitra's emerald eyes stared at the swirling fuchsia and azure clouds above, their rhythmic movement like a waltz upon the wind.  She lazily floated in silvery sparkling waters, having no direction or particular place to be as an eternity passed.  Gradually, the woman made her way to the shoreline and pulled herself from the water.  Her bare breasts were almost completely dry until she stood upright, reoriented herself and wrung her hair.  Trails of the glittery water traveled along her shapely nude figure and Demitra couldn't help but laugh.  "If Paige and Ember were here…"

Her voice seemed to echo off walls that were not present, as if the large landscape was an illusion in a small room.  A pouty expression came from Demitra's thick lips in a slight frown.  Every time she found herself lost within the illusion, something seemed to enjoy snapping her back to the reality that this land was not the freedom it presented; rather, it was a prison.  She had spent the beginning of her time exploring and searching for a way out, but after a lifetime of attempts to free herself from the entrapment of her vessel, Demitra reluctantly consigned to her fate.  Yet, whenever she relaxed her shoulders and tried to find enjoyment from the situation, her vessel seemed to relish in reminding her that it was, indeed, fake.

Having dried, the Elonian waved her hand in front of her producing a small amount of attire, which promptly formed around her body.  It was a trick she'd learned before her Djinn transformation and one which reminded her of who she was before.

The shoreline consisted of rocky formations stacked in unnatural ways which grew from a ground made almost entirely of coins and jewels and trinkets.  It was on a small hill of treasure Demitra rested, her back against a chest as she absently ran her fingers through the silver and gold.

"Perhaps it would not be such a travesty if this were an oasis on the shores of the desert," the woman said, closing her eyes and imagining the dunes of Amnoon.  Demitra could almost feel that sand beneath her fingertips... Then she actually did.  A bewildered glance down found the very sands from her mind, and further still, the entire landscape had changed to reflect her thoughts of the oasis.  Full lips joyfully laughed - the first time she had done so since her arrival.

"Well this is certainly an improvement!"  She giggled then paused a moment as a thought occurred.  Did the vessel respond to her whim, or was it simply an attempt to keep her docile within its walls? She stood upright a moment, pondering aloud in her solitary.

"If my very desire is created by my thoughts, then I shall concentrate on my loves."  Her voice was resolute and purposeful, but after much time had passed, nothing appeared.  She looked down at the sand beneath her bare feet and wiggled her toes, playfully squishing it between them and reminded herself that the new change in scenery was more than enough to remain optimistic.   She shut her eyes for a moment, enjoying the warmth and humidity from the water.

As if to disturb her resolve, a small flake of cold landed on the woman's nose. She opened her eyes, crossing the emeralds to stare at the snowflake confusedly.

Another came, followed by another, and another still, until there was a small stream of wistfully dancing snow descending upon her.  She held her hand out to catch a few and giggled as the cold poked her skin. She held both arms aloft slightly twirling and laughing at the strange absurdity and thrilling fun of snow in the desert.

Above her, the ever-present shifting clouds had changed hue, from their normally blue and purple motif to a white mist intermixed with a frosty blue.  Demitra paused, staring into the spiral in an attempt to ascertain the source of the perplexing weather.  She could barely make out a red and white striped object along with what appeared to be a pine with various colored lights upon it.  A few more shapes were blurred in the background, but it took little imagination to realize the shapes were people.

Demitra's eyes widened as she gasped at the epiphany: it was Wintersday!  The scene answered her as the ringing of  Wintersday choir bells could be heard, and Demitra's excitement seemed to echo the cheer.  She was already on the move, climbing a sand dune to get closer to the mysterious portal, glancing up to it as she ascended.

Had she caused this portal to appear? Was this somehow linked to her longing heart? Questions flooded the Elonian's mind, but she suddenly, abruptly stopped as the image shifted focus to a puffy-haired, mocha colored woman.

"Paige?" Demitra's voice was a whisper; a whimper of awe and wonder and elatment.

Paige paused, seemed to look around with a puzzled expression.

Demitra gasped.  "Can you... Can you hear my voice, Lady Page Dejarin, daughter of the Dejarin line?"

A hand was brought to Paige's mouth. "D-Demi?" she whispered in disbelief.

"I am here, love!  Can you hear me?" Demitra desperately called out.  Tears of glittery silver trailed down her cheeks.

Paige echoed the tears, with tears of her own. She didn't answer back, obviously unable to hear, but she lifted Demitra's  bracers and cradled them, softly sobbing as the portal faded away.

Demitra held on to the image, watching until the sky returned to its normal appearance. She rolled over and collapsed defeatedly onto the slope, sliding down the sands for a moment.  She wanted to cry, she wanted to scream, she wanted to curse the Djinn and their very existence!

But to do so would be to curse her own self, as she was now one of them.

And that's when Demitra Naja Nyimah, okht to the Djinn and newly empowered Jinniyah, had an idea...

[The End???]