Zirina Shadowborn

Character Name: Zirina Shadowborn
Race: Sylvari
Gender: Female

Profession: Necromancer / Reaper / Scourge
Apparent age: 19

Hair / Leaves / Flower: Ranges depending on the season. Generally, during the day it's percieved as white.

Skin: White bark, with mahogany edges and some evergreen scarcely sprinkled.

Eyes: Hazel to a blue-tented silver in the light.

Appearance details: Bio-Luminescence: Deep gold to bright vivid yellow.

Religious beliefs/philosophy: With the realization of Modremoth, she no longer puts as much faith into the Pale Tree. Whatever her beliefs, she is Sylvari, and as such has much loyalty to her species.

OOC Intro:
A Necromancer was like the third character I made, a little Asura named Kievva, and while I loved her character, not much was appealing to me as far as gameplay with any future Necros.  Thus, I had a plethora of other classes and only one Necro.  While Heart of Thorns surfaced and expanded on the class as a Reaper, I still wasn't poised to create another one.  In the first Guild Wars, I was a 'minion master' and never really found that gameplay in GW2, and even with Reaper's greatsword, I still didn't recapture the feelings I had from the class in the first game.  When Path of Fire came along and introed the Scourge, I thought of it as one of my least favorite classes.  Still, I took my original Asuran Necro out into the desert and maxed out the Elite for Scourge.  After playing this for a time, I really began enjoying myself, and further still, I enjoyed having my little minions running around while giving myself a bit more to do than simply going into a Death Shroud.  I also found that being a Necro simply was easier for me to play.  While I don't shy away from a challenge, I really just breezed through the desert with my Asura, so I decided to roll another one.  I'd toyed around with the idea of having an ebony bark type of Sylvari, but I quickly steered away from that since I've seem alot of those type in game: the freaky looking Sylvari with dark skin, green glows, and mohawks and such.  Instead, I wanted to go for a brighter Sylvari with some distinctive glows.  Her skintone could be contrasted to a darker wardrobe, and with her being slightly colorless, alot of different customization and dyes could be done to accommodate that menacing look, if desired.  After a time in the wardrobe, I found a desired outfit - one that required me to do quite a bit of collection & gathering, but I think her final look was worth it.  And in pursuit of this goal, I came up with a brief story describing a point of time in her life which greatly affected her below. 

RolePlay Brief Story:

As a young sapling, I recall hearing a lovely hymn sung; whether by Sylvari or originating from another race, it spoke of standing your ground during turbulent times.  But, as the jungle dragon destroyed our invasion force, I find it difficult to recall this message.  I awoke to find my companions in disarray, most lay dead or dying.  Normally unshaken by such things, this sight uprooted my confidence.  Their fragile bodies lay mangled, burned, torn asunder.  These were the Pact officers I had served with for several cycles, now all dead.  In this realization, however, I took solace: they were now empty vessels.  While I would later mourn their passing, they had indeed passed.  And they would again become my allies, in death.


The battle had ended, and we were much closer to our objective than I believe any of us could surmise.  My companions again banded around the lit fire as we made ready for night.  My bio-luminescent glow illuminated the area around me, a few body lengths away from the camp.  They wouldn't say it, but I know the members of our party preferred it this way: whether from the smell or looks of the undead creature I had resurrected in the battle.  I laugh at their misconstrued perceptions.  This abomination saved them twice in our last encounter with the mordrem.  They honestly have less to fear from this revived mass of flesh than they do me: for as we grow ever closer, I hear Mordremoth's call; his voice beckoning me to become one of his corrupted.  I stare at the putrid goliath as it stares back at me, awaiting an order to attack or to release it to oblivion.  I do neither, instead ordering it to lay down with me.  I accept its cold embrace and allow it to dim my light, forcing me into the darkness... where I'm at home.


It happened close to our location: the jungle dragon's demise.  It was not my party.  It would later be discovered we were on the very wrong path, but close enough for me to finally succumb to Mordremoth's taunts.  Our group was just taking out the last of a scouting party, when the dragon's chants grew so loud, so empowering, I let him take me.  It was an act of ecstasy, excitement, and joy to know my creator, let him touch something in me I had long before denied and stifled.  But the act I committed; the atrocities performed... those were like watching a play.  The really disturbing thing is that I can't be for certain it was a tragic play... I remember laughing as I did it.

"Fear not this night, you will not go astray," the minstrels sing... Fear is what I know; fear is what I have become.  I went astray, and I can not be certain if I have or will ever return from the dark abyss where I feel so comfortably at home.

Having awoken during the Cycle of the Day, it's unknown to her why Zirina prefers the night.  Maybe its the paths she's chosen during her journies that have caused this familiarity with the cold darkness of night, but she feels at peace while most others slumber.  Growing up, Zirina pursed a passion of knowledge and joined the Priory at first chance.  It was here she began studying her craft and secretly met with forbidden teachers of the dark arts in her pursuit.

Recent history:
Having tried to put the past behind her, Zirina traveled to Elona to join parties in pursuit of the human god, Balthazar.  While no interest in the affairs of her human compatriots, she recognizes the threat to all existence... And while a world of the dead would be highly enjoyable, the utter obliteration of the world is intolerable.

Personality & Relationships:
As introverted as she is, Zirina surrounds herself with companions - and not just the dead.  While this may have a more deeply rooted need for living companionship, most that travel among her believe they are simply ammunition of fresh corpses for her minion reserves.  Zirina, herself, is unaware of any specific longing for living interaction, but does note that she winds up in traveling parties despite her love of solidarity.  This often manifests itself in verbal altercations with anyone she finds herself on solid grounds with.  Very blatantly, she pushes those around her just to the point of disgust, disdain or anger, but not so far that they disassociate themselves.  However, since the jungle dragon's influence, she seems to have grown distant from those not in her horde, and genuinely doesn't caring if she has completely destroyed relationships with her offensiveness and off-putting personality.  Perhaps subconsciously, her self-destructive loneliness is penance for past sins.

Favored beverage & food:
While she's aware that most races enjoy alcoholic beverages and food, she takes no pleasure in consumption of anything she sustenance she must have to sustain herself.  Again, it seems that self-loathing has robbed her from this simple pleasure.

Favored weather or season: When the night invades the light and a cool wisp of winter chill is in the air, Zirina seems to thrive.  She would never admit this, of course - and be offended if it was mentioned - but her vivid yellow bio-luminescence glows brightest during this season.

Favored color: brown / pale yellows / muted greens