Eternally Bound: Part 16
----- Deliberation & Acquisition -----
"Why don't you have a seat, Valandra?" Paige, ever the diplomat, implored. While she did not necessarily want the woman's company, or care for her comfort, Valandra was essential to freeing Ember's wife and her lover; thus, she attempted to give a courtesy that the ice queen, herself, had yet to exhibit.
Valandra was about to argue the point, when a waitress came to the table to take drink orders. She scoffed but sat down, murmuring Elonian curses the whole time.
Ember actually chuckled at the woman's irritation. "Just like old times… You're still as frigid as ever!"
Folding her arms, the woman ignored the comment. "Are you certain she will show? We have spent the entire day looking for this, 'Six'; how do you know she will arrive at this… less than savory establishment?"
Paige let out a breath, took a sip of her coffee and nodded approvingly at the waitress. Even in situations such as this, the noblewoman held herself with grace. She sat her cup down regally, waited for the waitress to attend to another table before speaking again. "She should be showing shortly. I know her; Mark stays in an inn here in Lion's Arch when he comes to visit Six. I honestly think they will be by here as the hour draws late. This is their favorite-"
"And Mark is?" Valandra blurted.
Paige slowly took another sip of coffee enjoying that the delay she caused irritated the interrupting woman. In her own time she finished the careful sip, sitting the cup upon the saucer elegantly. "Mark is… Six's boyfriend? Yes, I suppose that's it. I'm not really sure if that's the correct term, but that's close enough."
"Isn't she too young to be dating?" Ember asked, an eyebrow raised at the revelation. She hadn't known Six all that long and wasn't close to her, but in the time Ember had been in Paige's employ, she saw the young woman a few times. She looked to be no older than Paige, herself.
Paige's eyes turned to a nearby building wall for a moment. "I mean… She's old enough for… quite a lot. Though, I suppose the less said of that, the better."
Valandra raised a brow. "Regardless of the woman's promiscuity and conquests, does this Six know where we can find the vile rat, Kievaa?"
The noble's cheeks were a tad darker. She hadn't meant to insinuate, felt a bit embarrassed at her blunder. She brought the coffee cup up to her lips and hid behind it for a few moments. She finally cleared her throat, decided to work on the puzzle at hand. "Look, Six is our best bet. We talk to her and find out the location of Lennk's lab. That will lead us to Kievaa, your artifact, and finally, Demitra."
"And, are we to assume I am aware of just who this Lennk is?"
Paige almost face-palmed. "Listen, there's a proper way to ask: all you have to do is just say, 'Who is that?'. Not this negative-"
"Who is Lennk," Valandra again interrupted.
Ember chuckled accidentally.
Paige frowned, then shrugged. "Well, I suppose that ask is better than the previous. Lennk is… He is an awful monster. He tried to assassinate my father, Harid, and myself as well, all in pursuit of Six." She motioned to her captain. "Ember has as much a vendetta against him as I do. He was responsible for Snapper's death."
"Again, you assume I know your entire history," Valandra scoffed, then seemed to consider her words, pausing with a frosty exhale. "What I mean is… Who is Snapper?"
Both women fell silent, glancing at one another, until finally in almost a whisper, Ember spoke. "He was our pet, and our friend."
Valandra glanced around the bar again, tapping her fingers upon the table, each fingertip leaving a small thin slate of ice as it touched. Despite her purposeful prodding, she hadn't meant to bring up tragedy; the ice queen had seen her fair share. She reckoned a subject change be best in the uncomfortable silence. "It was a place similar to this, wasn't it, Ember? Within Lion's Arch, where we first met."
Ember nodded. "Yeah, if by 'met' you mean 'fought'. Oh, and let's not forget the kidnapping…" Her nose wrinkled at the reminder.
"It was a good fight, indeed. Well fought-"
"We're not starting a bar fight here, Valandra!" Paige scorned like a mother stopping a child from a enacting ill-contrived plans.
Valandra laughed out loud, hardily. "Would it not be fun though?"
Ember folded her arms. "No," she said dryly.
"I do not recall you being this… cold, Ember Drakenfist. Or, is it Ember Naja Drakenfist now?" Valandra concealed her feelings by letting loose an ice arrow.
"It's just… Ember. And, I'm like this when I'm stressed, okay? Losing your wife (again) will do that to you." Her red eyes never left her glass.
"I've seen you stressed (also, extremely excited)…" Valandra attempted to lighten the mood. It fell upon deaf ears.
Paige sipped her coffee again. "Should I give you two a moment of privacy?"
"We've had that," Valandra tried to be humorous again. Both Paige and Ember rolled their eyes simultaneously.
Paige opened her mouth, but then shut it, letting the silence continue. While she wanted to ask Valandra about their mutual heritage and relation, she was almost certain how the conversation would be played out, and didn't have the energy for another battle of words.
Ember also remained quiet, filled with overwhelming guilt at having caused the situation. The woman could blame nobody but herself, and cursed her stupidity at every possible moment. If she'd only listened to Demitra and left the bracers alone…
Valandra's sapphires had a difficult time not staring at Ember. When last they spoke, they had both professed their love for each other. It was something felt by both; something deep and primal, shining through the bitterness of lifetimes of suffering. Their meeting had been somewhat turbulent, as was the adventure they had found themselves on. Yet, there was an intimate sharing; a bonding, which had softened the ice around Valandra's heart. Now however, emerging a year later, she'd been wrestling with the realization that not only had the world changed (with Joko seemingly defeated), but that Ember had also changed, and by all accounts, appeared to have moved on in her absence. And, if there was any doubt, the reminder resting upon the Ember's finger, kept pulling Valandra's gaze.
Ember worriedly and absently fingered her ring. "Where is she anyway? Shouldn't she have shown by now?"
"Be patient; I'm certain we'll find her and get everything worked out," Paige said, almost as if to convince herself. "We… have to…" she exhaled the last statement without meaning to. Truthfully, Paige's heart felt as though it hadn't beat since learning her lover had disappeared, and while she tried her best to present a steadiness one came to expect from a leader and Lady of a noble house, she'd been shaken to her core and struggled with her feelings.
A woman in a short frilly skirt approached the table. She wore a top-hat over hair of blue, and a top which was barely a top at all. She was no older than Paige and a bit thinner, with fair breasts and narrow hips. Her exposed mid-rift showed the woman to be quite fit and the smile she wore was friendly with a tinge of apprehension and caution as she looked upon the three women, settling on the unknown snow-capped lady.
"Ah! The help; good. I need a drink which doesn't freeze. Perhaps straight alcohol? Yes, an Elonian spirit would do." Valandra waved her hand dismissively at the woman without including anyone else in the order.
Paige sighed at Valandra's rudeness, and in the same breath exhaled with relief at seeing the woman. "Six! There you are!" She gestured to the seat in front of her, sliding her coffee cup and saucer aside. "I just knew you'd be around eventually!"
Six looked to Paige and Ember nodding respectfully as she did. She took her seat, glancing at the white-haired woman. After a moment, she offered a slight smile to her friend, Paige. "You have found me! What's this all about though?"
"Oh Six, there's… there's simply so much to catch you up on. Where to even begin?" Paige tapped her chin, leaned back in her chair. "Actually, I suppose introductions. This is Valandra Thaljia," she said, gesturing to her. Six nodded to the woman, not offering up her name or anything more than simple acknowledgement. Paige paused, waited to see if either women wished to speak. When the silence wasn't interrupted, she continued. "Well, anyway, it's a long story but-"
"Where were you born?" Ember blurted.
Six twitched her head, shaking the question away like a fly. "Where was I… What… What is this about?" she asked, a sudden and reflective guard up.
"I… I tried to 'Ember it'. An now, my Demi is gone; we gotta find her!"
Valandra chuckled at Ember's bluntness.
Paige closed her eyes a moment, gathered her thoughts. "Listen, Six. We are tracking down someone and was hoping you could point the way. It appears… Well, it looks like… the professor is involved somehow."
"Lennk," Valandra interjected.
Six blinked, shocked by the news. "Lennk?"
"He doesn't deserve to be mentioned by name. But, Six knows who I mean. Dear friend," Paige said, reaching across the table, taking the young woman's hands. "We really need your help."
Six nodded then raised an eyebrow. "And the rest of the Twelve?"
Both Ember and Valandra said in unison, "The Twelve?"
Paige called a waitress over, ordering the group a snack. "This may take a while, so, we should have a light bit of sustenance while we talk," she explained. The waitress returned with a plate of fried potato slices, along with a bowl of small cinnamon sprinkled squares - a staple of the establishment.
"I have… suddenly lost my appetite," Six mumbled, the news still sinking in.
Clearing her throat, Paige retrieved a few potato slices and decorated her plate with them. "The Twelve and their numbers, as they were called by the professor, were - and correct me if I'm wrong here, Six - created to be magically empowered soldiers. Six, here, was one of the lucky ones. Father saved her."
Six only slightly nodded.
Paige reached out offering her hand to Six. When she took it, Paige gave it a squeeze. "Ember or Valandra can tell you more about how Valandra came to… replace Demitra, but what matters now to us is that Lennk is involved. We believe he's held up in a lab with the asura we need to get to so we can free Demitra."
"One skritt or two, it matters not; they shall both freeze."
Six removed her top-hat, set it aside gingerly. "Skritt? What do they have to do with this?"
"She means asura," Paige offered, then cast a sidelong glance at Valandra. "And, they can definitely be dangerous and shouldn’t be underestimated!"
"Inquest: the worst kind of asura."
"I have dealt with her before. She in nothing except vermin, of which, I shall crush beneath a glacier," Valandra clenched her fist beneath the table. While she was not necessarily at fault, it was her deal with Kievaa which had caused all this.
Paige sighed. "Well, be that as it may, we need to attempt retrieval of your artifact, so no squashing the asura until we have it." Paige returned her attention to Six, noticed her perplexed look and offered explanation. "See, there's this sword of ice, Valandra's artifact or (what she calls) her vessel. It was stolen and we have to get it back; it's vitally needed to save Demitra."
Six nodded slowly, expressionless. "I see. And where would this sword be?"
"We saw a… (vision? Yes; let's go with that!) a vision of Kievaa, the asura that took it in a lab. I think it was the lab where you were…"
"With all the numbered tubes," Ember added, dryly and matter-of-fact.
Six pulled her hand slowly from Paige's, grumbled for a minute. "The lab was abandoned not long ago, when I returned there. However, in the time since, Lennk may have got back to retrieve any specimens, documents, experiments. And, if he's brought the lab back to full operation, it's likely it has been trapped. This… This will be dangerous," her words carried with them a tinge of regret for not having stopped Lennk yet.
Paige nodded. "Most likely. I remember when he threatened father. How he had contingency plans and the 'deal' he made. Lennk is… despicable."
"And he might not be alone. The Twelve, what's left of them, may be with him. You know what they're capable of. Are you so sure of this vision? Doesn't seem the most concrete of intel. We are so willing to risk our lives on this vision?" Six tapped the table a few times, her eyes lost in a far-reaching gaze, likely formulating various outcomes. In her short life of freedom, the young woman had developed a talent at this, and in a very short time, she had come to be a strategic confidant to Paige.
"There's actually a precedent for visions leading to great deeds. Look at the fall of Zaitan in 1325, I believe…" Paige paused, seeing Six's distant expression. "Look, I think that we should take it seriously. Our artifacts collectively showed us this path."
"The Djinn spoke of one who had such visions. I believe they hold truth. And, if Ember is to ever be reunited with her… wife… again, we must retrieve my artifact." Valandra tried not to put too much emphasis on the word, yet it seemed to happen regardless.
Paige tried again. "I know it's hard. And you know I would never ask you to go back to that horrible place. But, I also know that we can't let Lennk or Kievaa have a Djinn artifact long enough to learn how to exploit it. They'll turn it against the people of House Dejarin and Gendarran Fields, Applenook… whoever he can just to get to you."
Six took a sip of her drink. "Is that what happened to the mansion? Was wondering about the hole."
Paige deadpanned. "What? What hole; what happened to the mansion?"
"There was a break-in. A hole in the side of the main estate. You didn't know about it?" Six tilted her head, then glanced to Ember. "Seems your room may have been the target."
"But what could possibly be in Ember's-" Paige suddenly gasped. "No!"
Ember blinked, her face immediately drained of color. "The bracers? Demi?" The words came out like the squeak of a mouse.
Valandra shared the expression, her already pale complexion becoming more so. "My… Our vessel…" For the first time either women could tell, Valandra looked terrified, suddenly remembering the Djinn's cautionary tales about possibilities which could happen when a mortal bears a Djinn's vessel. Frost began to collect on the woman's shoulders as her fist clenched tighter.
Paige was beside herself, threw her arms in the air. "Why? Why is the estate not better defended? Is it just a revolving door for villains? This… This complicates everything! How are we going to retrieve both the sword and the gloves without-"
"Gloves? There did not seem to be any gloves present." Six said, recalling the ransacked room.

Six removed her hand from Paige's. She pulled her arms from the table, almost drawing them into an offensive stance and raised an vigilant eyebrow at the ice queen's reaction. "What are these bracers?" She asked Paige, never removing her eyes from Valandra.
"They are… It's complicated; suffice-it-to-say, we gotta get them back! Demitra's in them!"
Ember hadn't flinched, remained as still as a frozen ice-sculpture. "My wife… I lost her again…" she said, absently. Paige reached over placed her hand on her captain's shoulder; after a moment or two of silence, Ember finally looked up, her red eyes flashing furiously. "I need directions, Six. Now! I will burn everything in there!"
"And freeze them," Valandra added.
Six sighed. "You may have faced your asura, but you've not tangled with mine. One does not storm into an Inquest lab, especially Lennk's, without a plan. There will be no saving Demitra if you are dead. What we need to do is get our heads on straight. You all are too emotional (however rightly so) to go in half-cocked."
All three women looked at each other, realized what the younger woman said was correct. Ember was beyond distraught at losing her wife again and losing her due to her own ineptitude. Paige was mortified her lover was not only detained, but stolen, from the very manor she was in charge of. Valandra was scared of what Kievaa could do now that she had both her currently bound artifact and her future-bound artifact.
After a minute of unsuccessfully clearing her mind, Paige instead cleared her throat. "Then, what is it you recommend, Six?"
"Well, that depends," Six said, rubbing her head. "If the lab is in the same state it was in when I went back, it wouldn't be hard to infiltrate, at all. It was quite dilapidated. But, I doubt it will be so if Lennk's there. If he has activated the lab's self-defenses… well, that would not be in our favor. And, I must say, I'm a bit worried. We (the Twelve and I) were used as instruments… (I can't tell you how many times I've wondered if something was still left implanted in my head.) But, if that's not even the case, I know the greater danger is from the Twelve, collectively. While I may be the most powerful of them, I cannot best them all, together."
"You won't be alone," Valandra said, encouragement slipping through her cracks. "I am formidable; as is Ember."
"Or… we could just offer what he wants. The only thing he's ever wanted… We could trade me for the sword and gloves."
"Absolutely not!" Paige protested.

"A monster which holds dominance over you when you are in his captivity. Of this, I can relate," Valandra let out a frosty breath.
Ember shook her head. "We can offer me. It's my fault anyway that we're in this mess. I may not be elementally attuned to everything as Six is, but I have her fire… and more. I could be a worthy trade."
The words hit something deep within the icy woman. She regarded Ember seriously. "You would… sacrifice yourself for her?"
"Not just for my wife. But for Six and Paige… And you," Ember's voice lowered on the last word.
Valandra blinked. "Me?"
Six took Paige's hands to try to drive her point across. "Lennk does not plan for a singular outcome. He never did nor will he. I am with you all the way Paige, you know that, and I will do as ordered, but be sure what you are willing to risk is worth it. I think that we need to get as many…"
Six's voice faded as Valandra's thoughts became paramount. After a moment of internal deliberation, she knelt beside Ember. "Me," she said with a resolute earnestness. "What if you hand over… me?"
"No," Ember said without further explanation. Her eyes stayed on Paige and Six's back and forth, but her focus was the ice queen. It was easy to let Valandra's cynical, sarcastic, and sometimes spiteful attitude become the embodiment of the woman. But it was difficult for Ember when the woman seemed to genuinely care; it was much easier to live in the distain her off-putting temper created.
"I am… not really welcomed anyway. And, I am used to living under the foot of a monster. I believe I am the best equipped to-"
"Just stop," Ember whispered.
Valandra leaned closer to the statue which was Ember, and kept her voice low for her ears only. "You love her. I can see that. I have seen that look from you… once."
Ember slammed her fist upon the table, barely restrained from incinerating it. "You were dead! Stop acting like I just dumped you. You literally fell into a fucking volcano!"
"I lived," Valandra said coldly. "I lived… in that tent… and… on that rooftop. This can restore your love. 'Like you always dreamed. Settle down; start something new' Those were your words to me a day ago, Ember."
"Enough!" Ember shouted, infuriated. She stood from her chair, shoved it behind her.
All three women looked up silently at the short woman with a smoking head, then at each other. Valandra was as flushed as Ember, both looking shaken by their conversation. Paige's eyes narrowed as she studied both women's expressions. She intuited their embarrassment, could see something she'd never seen written on Valandra's face: hurt and sorrow. "Is… everything alright?"
Ember frowned. "Fine; peachy."
Valandra feigned a rigid response as she stood.
Paige continued scrutinizing both women, picking up on obvious tells. It was the same pain she'd seen reflected back to her after she and Nalla had broken it off; it was look of hurt and heartbreak. The noble sat back, sighed and rubbed her temples a moment, working out a way to segue the conversation from what would most assuredly be a passionate debate.
Six came to her rescue, whether inadvertently or on purpose. "What are your orders, Lady Paige?"
"I do have to make the call, don't I? Then tell me, if the Numbers are unthinking machines, can we exploit that somehow?"
Six knew Paige hadn't meant it as an insult and tried her best to see through it, but as a Number herself, the comment struck like an arrow. She folded her arms, sat back in her chair, taking in a few breaths before responding. "They… We… are not unthinking. We were all taught tactics, hand-to-hand combat, insurgency, and the programming Lennk implanted in our heads. No, I would say we're definitely in for a fight if they are there. The only way we may be able to win is if we divide and conquer. Individually, I can overpower them. And, if Captain Ember and her companion's power levels are as high as they claim, they should be able to defeat their foes as well."
"Then maybe I can use the sands to transport into the facility, grab what we need, and get out. That… That may actually work." Paige tapped her chin, perhaps for the first time with hope.
"If there's defenses though…"
Paige shrugged. "I'm no asura, but Nalla taught me some code to reinforce what Ruijai had started teaching me. I know enough to be dangerous."
Six fingered her top-hat absently. "We could use the air vents. If you can override their controls, I can create a diversion; draw out the Twelve - possibly Lennk, himself. I think that may be the easiest way to sneak in there. Because, if we go in there… I know Lennk. He plans for contingencies upon contingencies. We charge in there haphazardly, we all die…" A slight spark came from the woman's fingertips to illustrate the point.
Valandra suddenly looked sick, a completely uncharacteristic terrified expression on her face. "Something… Something is… wrong…"
Ember looked at the woman. "What are you worried about? You've died already, so you shouldn't be fearful."
Paige's nose wrinkled. "Ember, that's incredibly insensitive," she scolded.
Valandra began to shiver and a cold sweat rolled down her pale face. She held both arms outward. The air molecules above each palm began to glow a vibrant white and blue, spiraling snow from her hands to create two blades of ice. Her expression was fearful; her eyes wide at her own actions. "I can't…" Without warning, she swung one of the ice blades, slashing at Ember's stomach, caused a rip in the fabric, a dent in the armor.
"Th-the hell?"
"Valandra, what's gotten into you?" Paige exclaimed rising from her seat.
Six was already on her feet, watching the scene unfold. She didn't know the woman, but watched vigilantly.
The ice queen promptly spun backward, one of the blades finding its way to Six's shoulder and slashing it in an explosion of ice shards and blood. Six tried to dodge the blow, fell over backward after it landed. She held her wound tightly, then pointed the bloody arm toward the ice queen, ready to channel rock and stone from the ground to counteract and contain her.
Ember shook herself back from the shock, pulled her sword of fire, launched herself at Valandra to tackle her. Valandra topped over with Ember on top, the small woman's knees pinning both the ice queen's blades to the ground. "What the hell are you doing?" Ember screamed in frustration.
Valandra's slowly slipped her hands from the handles, releasing the blades. She brought them up to Ember's chest, resting both palms upon her armor. "I'm sorry," she whispered as a surge of cold and wind propelled the small woman off her. Ember crashed into the table behind her, breaking it in two.
"Fight it!" Paige screamed. "Valandra, I know you're in there. Fight it!" Paige already worked out the puzzle, knew Valandra to be not of her own volition. "She's being controlled!"
"Always with the ice," Ember groaned as she picked herself up dazedly. Her armor's top was almost completely covered in ice. She quickly began to reignite her core to melt and evaporate it away.
The ice queen had no hesitation. She flew into the air, spun and sent shards of ice from her wingtips blasting the women. Ember's armor mitigated the impact and Paige was able to narrowly escape the assault, using sand teleportation, with one sliver grazing the woman's arm. Six rolled out of the way, and with a quick glance to Paige and a nod, proceeded with her rock prison. Paige, in turn, weaved a spell which would cause boney hands to appear and subdue the adversary. Valandra looked to both of her sides as the conjured rock and bone claws covered her, compressing to restrain her. It closed with a loud stone thud.
After a moment, all women looked at each other. "Is that it?" Ember finally broke the silence, standing from the rubble of table and chairs.
"Dammit! I think she's being controlled by Lennk or Kievaa! They've figured out how to use the artifact!"
Paige was interrupted as a bolt of lightning struck down through the makeshift roof of the establishment blasting into the rock and bones, sending them flying, freeing Valandra. Both Paige and Six were both struck by the flying debris, a wood splinter stabbed into Paige's side. She fought through the pain, began to summon forth a shade, which coalesced into form and launched itself at the foe with a ghastly wail.
The shade passed right through her. Valandra looked at her incorporeal arm with shock and surprise. She looked back to Ember with the expression of a lost drake. "I… can't… hold… on…"
Six regained her ground, having been knocked over by one of her very own conjured stones. She shook her head, forced her blurry vision to refocus. When she saw the scene, she immediately assessed the magical disturbance. "She's going to mist form!"
Valandra began to break apart and turn into a white cloud of mist and frost. "I… am… sorry…" her voice echoed as it faded. The smoke cloud that was Valandra darted out of the establishment, following an unknown path.
"Dammit Valandra!" Ember growled.
Six applied heat to her shoulder, searing her flesh to close the wound. She winced slightly at the pain, but nodded to a concerned Paige. "I'm fine; let's just go after her!"
Paige nodded, ran out after the fog with Six and her captain closely behind her. They rounded the corner of The Private Whisper to see the mist coalesce into shards of ice and chunks of frozen glaciers. They combined into a humanoid form which stood towering over the trio. "I can't… stop… they want… her! Stay… back!" The creature swiped the air in between them, creating a torrent of hail and ice upon them.
All women dug in their heels. Ember turned up the heat to melt through the blizzard. They could see only feet in front of them. And, when Ember did see a jagged arm of ice spikes, it was too late. The elemental slammed into her sending her flying backward.
Another arm was brought to Paige, who barely pulled up a sheet of hardened sands to act as a shield. The force of the blow cracked the layer, shattering the shield and cutting Paige's lip. She doubled back to avoid another fatal blow.
The small woman of fire was back on her feet. She threw a fireball forward, which hit the ice monstrosity hard, steaming the entire scene. A loud growl could be heard from the monster, even though the steam had diminished visibility further in the storm. Ember exploded, radiating heat to dissipate the rest of the storm, as did Six. When the fog dissipated, a small electric spark was where the creature had been.
"She's turned into a damned lightning elemental now? You've got to be kidding me!"
The electrical spark scurried with lightning speed to Six, leaping onto the woman with sparks and electricity. Six, who was expecting an elemental of ice was attuned to lightning, was planning to explode the glacier, but the sudden appearance of a lightning elemental took her by surprise. She defensively attempted to use the same magic of the creature. Both blasts of lightning arced culminating to an implosion which rapidly overwhelmed and overloaded the woman. She screamed in convulsions, collapsed onto the ground, small arcs of electricity still sparking off and on her unconscious body. A tendril made of flashing lightning wrapped around the woman, began to drag her away.
"Oh no you don't! Ember! Get her!" Paige commanded.
Ember leaped at the creature of lightning, flame sword held backward to come down upon it. Valandra suddenly erupted in a sphere of electrical mayhem, sending Ember back and a bolt of lightning directly into Paige's chest. The noble woman flew backward, shouting as she slammed into pillar knocking her unconscious. Ember landed upon a bolder several feet away losing her breath as she landed. The last thing she saw, before the world went dark, was the lighting spark transforming back into a creature of ice, hoisting Six over its shoulder, and walking away. Her head went limp, she collapsed, and let the darkness take her.
Paige's body was a mishmash of injuries, wounds, slashing and burns from the electricity. Had it not been for a thorny finger touching her wound, she may have remained out. Her eyes sprung open as she gasped, shouting, "Six! Where? Where is she?"
Tressa was already a step back, with a dagger at the ready. She hadn't expected the woman's abrupt and excited revival. "Calm yourself," the assassin suggested.
Paige's head pounded from a swelling she'd received due to the wall. She tried to make sense of her surroundings for a moment, tried to get her bearings as she sat up. "You? You're the Black Rose."
Tressa nodded slowly. "I am."
"You don't understand. They took her! We need to go after her!"
"Who?" Glowing eyes blinked confusedly at the woman.
"Six, Valandra, and… Oh Gods! Six didn't tell us where to go!" The realization made Paige's stomach turn.
"You make little sense. There were six of them? Or, are you speaking of the creature you fought?"
"Six was the one taken. Wait… you were here?"
"Aye. In the darkness."
Paige held her head, still trying to move past the battle, but it was difficult. She felt the weight of the entire mishap, even if she hadn't actually caused it. "I… couldn't save her. Either of them. I couldn't…"
The Black Rose tilted her head. "Then we should."
"But… Where?" Paige's eyes filled with tears. "I don't know where they've gone to and Six didn't tell us where to go."
Tressa retrieved a gadget from her side, held it up. "Kimura. She's following it. We have asuran tech; I can locate her. We can find your… Six?" Tressa's yellow orbs blinked, as though this was a simple matter of tracking a mark, something the assassin was completely at ease with.
Lady Paige pulled herself up, rising shakenly to her feet, while Tressa simply watched, offering no assistance. "Well, then… I think we should get going. Help me get Ember to her feet, please."
"Very well." Tressa turned on her heel, took a few steps toward the other woman, then paused, looking over her thorny shoulder. "Call me Tressa."
[To be Continued...]
[Note: To follow Tressa's story and her previous meetings with Paige,
see The Dark Rose: Once a Thief]