Raiders of the Lost Egg: Part 5

Raiders of the Lost Egg: Part 5
----- Floss -----
(Note: This is a co-authored story with Bampot/Six)

Kimura stood in the dressing room, holding up the bottoms of the outfit she had been given.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" she whispered to Barrox over the magical comm-link.  "I blow my nose with more material than this!"

"It's just for a few nights kid, do some recon, find out where the Egg is at and then..."

Kimura grunted. 'Yeah, yeah, I got it. Don't mean I gotta like it. I mean how do you keep this thing from disappearing up your as-" she exclaimed before being cut off.

"As always...there is one who needs help." a voice sounded beside her. It was the head server at the Emporium, come to oversee her new recruits. She was a thin, blonde human, and older than she tried to hide with the amount of makeup she had on. "That my the bottoms."

Kimura grunted once again. The outfit was a pair of long stockings, a top with a peekaboo window in chest in the shape of a cat, frilly armlets and wrist-lets, a ribbon necklace with a small bell, a set of cat ears and what Kimura thought could be the uniform's bottoms or dental floss. Either way she thought that they would make a perfect garrote for the head server.

The woman continued on her way, inspecting the other recruits as they dressed. Kimura reluctantly stripped down, turning herself from the others to allow as much modesty possible in the small room, and put the uniform on.

"I look ridiculous..." she whispered.

"Naw...I'm sure you look great." Barrox said, obviously trying to contain a snicker.

"Again, you are enjoying this too much," Kimura huffed.

The head server appeared once again, clapping her hands twice to get everyone's attention.  "Alright ladies, out to the bar area. You are about to get a crash course on serving and hospitality here at the Emporium, where the only good customer is a happy customer."

Kimura sighed with a low groan and fell into line with the others, heading out to the main bar and stage area. As the head server went on for what seemed to Kimura like forever about customer service, the drinks available, how to serve and other areas of the business, Kimura felt a pair of eyes on them. As she turned her head, she could see Spurlock by his office above them, watching them as he leaned on the railing that overlooked the bar. She could almost feel his sleazy gaze, no doubt undressing what little clothing the servers wore with his eyes. Next to him stood the tall sylvari Madam, no doubt Spurlock's second in command.

"Ok kid..." Barrox sounded in her ear. "That Egg ain't going to be right out in the open, I'm thinking best bet is in his office, a safe or vault or something. Case the place out, but you gotta find a way up there at some point."

"I know...but it's not going to be easy. I'm hoping tonight I'll be able to get a feel for how things run here, but there's going to be Spurlock's goons everywhere."

She turned an glared at one of the other new women who watched Kimura talk to herself.

Barrox continued, a bit of hesitancy in his voice. "Well...just so ya know, if ya get into any trouble...someone'll have your back."

Kimura blinked. "No way you're going to get a foot in here without being spotted, and I don't think Plopp wi-" she said, pausing. "Oh no no...we didn't agree to this."

"Trust me kid, I don't think Tressa likes this any better, but it's gotta happen."

Kimura grunted again. "Fine..."

The head server stopped her lecture and stared at Kimura, every other head turning to watch her. "Are we interrupting you miss? We are open tonight and I hope you retain all of this."

"Oh sorry no...I ah..umm...sorry." Kimura said sheepishly as the head server continued on.

"Alright kid, I'm signing off, can't afford for you to get busted. I've got you a room booked nearby, do your thing for the next few nights and we'll get a plan together. Stay safe..."
Barrox said, an audible click as he disconnected. She knew he was still there, listening, which did make her feel safer. Knowing however that Tressa would be slinking around was comforting (to a point).

[To be Continued...]