Elona Bound: Part 7

Elona Bound: Part 7
----- Homeward Bound -----

An excitement hung in the air.  Demitra's smile beamed.  In these recent months, she couldn't recall the last time she was this happy.  She hurriedly got dressed; a simple beige halter top, wrap-around indigo-colored dress with a split up to the hip.  Despite the circumstances in which she paid for the ball and the airship, this was to be a joyous trip saw no reason to deviate from a fun wardrobe.

Gliding above deck, she felt relief at seeing Captain Xavier busy prepping for launch, although that particular situation wouldn't have phased the woman's delight.  Demitra glowed, not from the sun's reflection on her bronze skin, but from the exuberance she exuded.

In contrast, further down the bow, Ember scowled, obviously irritated at perceived delays in take-off.  Demitra tried her best reassuring smile at the white-haired half-Elonian, who muttered something inaudible, then returned her attention to the clouds.  Demitra shrugged.  Nothing could disenchant her today!

As if on que, the first of DragonsBane arrived as two small Asura stepped onto the ship.  Demitra immediately recognized one: her name was Prymi, a rather plump little Asura with a heart of gold.  She had been the first to pull Demitra into shelter during her first few disparaging nights in Divinity's Reach.  It was through her Demitra had found the guild's hospitality and genuineness, and for that Prymi would always have a warm spot in the Elonian's heart.  Beside Prymi stood another smaller Asura, timidly looking about.

Without hesitation, Demitra rushed out to give Prymi a hug.  "How are you, 'Mister Prymi'?" she asked.  Unaccustomed to Asura - there was only a scarce amount of them in Vabbi - Demitra had mistakenly taken Prymi as a male when they first met.  This embarrassing encounter led to their charmingly awkward friendship and Demitra had leaned heavily on Prymi in the saddest moments of the recent ball.

The Asura scratched her head.  "Ah, I'm not a mister," then paused with a sheepish expression considering, "unless something happened last night…"  She continued in her deepest voice, "I'm fine, and ready to kick some bottoms!"

Demitra stood, her hand patting gently on the Asura's golden locks.  "And who's your friend?"

"This one is my sissy, Khirra!"  Prymi wrapped her arms around the smaller Asura.

"H… Hi," Khirra whispered quietly.

Giggling, Demitra properly bowed and introduced herself.  Standing upright, she was surprised by two additional guest arrivals but immediately recognized them: Orabella and Ryoichi Heiwa.  They were a married couple, and while Demitra enjoyed their company, she hadn't had much time spent with either.  Still, she was excited to greet them.

"I thought Prymi was female," Bella was saying to Ryo.

"Might be a joke; not sure," Ryo whispered back.

Bella nodded, surveying the area.  "Perhaps," she said, somewhat skeptically as she squeezed Ryo's hand.  Her feelings of apprehension were instantly felt by Demitra as she exchanged pleasantries with the couple.

Bella looked over the Elonian, shining with excitement asking the obvious question in politeness, "How are you?"

"Truthfully, ecstatic!"  Demitra practically cheered.

Ryo nodded.  "Excited to go home, I take it?"

"Indeed!" she exclaimed.  "And how, may I ask, are you?"  This question was directed toward Bella.

"As ready as I can be, especially after what transpired the last time we were there."  Bella's tone was worrisome, but determined.

Demitra looked over the couple's attire.  Both were clad in heavy plate armor, armaments affixed, of which she had noticed Ember's stare at Bella's magical firey sword.  She offered a quiet smile to the high-spirited woman.  This attraction to fire would have to be explored at a later time.  Returning her attention to their dress, Demitra felt the need to inject her thoughts.  "I know there are dangers, but I expect this trip to Amnoon will be without incident!"

Bella shook her head, "Better to be safe than sorry."

Decidedly not pressing any further, Demitra turned to the entirety of their party.  "Thank you all for heeding the call.  Whatever reason we all go to Elona, we do so together.  I am so happy to have met you all and I am elated we travel together!  There is a cabin below where we can stay, sleep, relax, and more importantly store our belongings safely.  The,"  she paused in mid-sentence, the next word distastefully uttered, "captain, assures me it shall remain safe there.  Feel free to change below, if you so choose, for I do expect this trip to be as pleasant as we make it!"

"Anyone else coming, or can we finally go?"  Ember facetiously frowned, obviously anxious to get underway. 

Prymi glanced around.  "This might be everyone."

Demitra slightly giggled at Ember's irritable demeanor.  Something about the woman's candor was oddly reassuring.  "Let me speak to the captain about taking off," she said, not meaning to emphasize the word.  "I shall return shortly.  Feel free to explore, although I would not speak to the crew hands, as they are a bit… unpleasant to deal with."

Orabella responded, "I can deal with unpleasant: they just need a good punch and they settle down."

Ryo squeezed Bella's hand.  "Let's head inside," he said quietly.

"Let's goooo already!"  Ember saw no point in staying above, decidedly following behind Bella and Ryo as they all made their way below deck.  Prymi lingered back as she instructed her sister where to go.

The captain was busy tying rope when the Elonian approached. She didn't know how to look the man in the eye - their night spent with him prevalent in her mind. She padded heavily on the deck to make her presence known, but upon approach, the man kept going about his business. She cleared her throat to garner his attention.  "We… We are all aboard and ready to disembark," she stated, masking her nerves with the statement.

The man nonchalantly turned to face her. “Excellent,” murmured. “I imagine our previous arrangement is still intact then?”

Demitra flustered, clearly not expecting the arrow to hit the target directly. "Our... previous arrangement?" she stammered. "Was this not concluded?"  She was confused; thought the transaction had been conducted, finalized in a rather pleasant ending.

Xavier shook his head. “In order to pay the crew’s wages and the cost of the ship, I’ll need some goods and obviously coin from your camp; I am running a business here after all.” He spoke matter-of-factly, as if it made perfect sense. “Last night was wonderful and I do hope you do not take offense.  The crew would think little of me if I did not think of them,” he explained as he worked another rope.

Words were lost on the woman.  She grew angry at the man's presumptuousness and casual attitude, then realized she had only herself to blame: She hadn't thought it was any more than the one night, neglected to put writing to what she thought was a transaction.  Fuming, she turned on her heal.  "Just get us there; you'll get your gold," she said storming off.

With a sigh and a shrug, he finished his work on the deck and made his way to the helm as Demitra headed the opposite direction.  "Do secure yourselves below deck soon; we shove off shortly," he called out to her.

Demitra fumed, then took a few moments to inhale sharply and exhale deeply, a breathing technique she found centered her.  After a moment, and to her surprise, she found she wasn't alone: Prymi sidled up beside the woman.  Standing no more than a few feet from the ground, Prymi stood at the woman's thigh, Prymi was a charming little Asura, light grey skin with a bit of tint to her cheeks.  She wore her hair in three golden braids which hand down the middle back of her neck, and on the sides of her face, respectively.  In all the moments in which they had spoken, Demitra always seemed to be at her most vulnerable, thus she took comfort in the heartwarming little friend's presence.

"I think we're both looking forward to this trip, eh?" Prymi began, still looking at the distant city.

The Elonian nodded slowly, her cheek shined in the sun from a wiped tear.  Prymi saw this and immediately wrapped her arms around Demitra's leg, who smiled, placed her hand on the Asura's head and sighed again.

"It seems as though I run into you when I am in pain, doesn't it?" she considered.

Prymi smiled up at her.  "We should fix that; maybe we can run into each other when we're happy instead?" she asked with insightfulness that made Demitra giggle.

"You are indeed wise, my small friend.  Such a thing would be a wonderful change, yeah?"

"Completely!  I shall be up for adventure as soon as my toes touch that burning sand!" Prymi joked.

Demitra squeezed the Asura.  "Oh, the sand is lovely; you shush!  Just wait until you see our accommodations.  The haven is a place to behold, indeed!"

Prymi nodded.  "I can't wait to see it… Me and Sissy.  I hope we get the answers we're after."

"As much as obligations dictate, I shall assist you in your endeavors, Prymi.  I know familial matters are important."  She broke away from Prymi's embrace, once more to the rippling waters and the skyline of Lion's Arch.  "I often wish my destiny would allow me such luxuries: having a family, falling in love, settling down.  You ever wish for such a simple thing?"

Placing a hand on the back of her leg, Prymi approached the railing, barely able to see over it.  "I understand.  With all that is going on in my family, I haven't had much time to think of the future, but… Yeah, I would like to live a simpler life, sure."

Demitra kneeled down to her friend, again embracing her.  "Such is the life of those that heed the calling, yeah?"

"The Eternal Alchemy, fait… It can just be… well, it can just be mean!"

The two stood on the bow a bit longer.  Demitra took in the view, the copious amount of water, and the impressive sea-themed city.  She ignored another call from the captain to return below deck, but decidedly did so when the vessels engines and magical energies began to hum.  She walked past the man, saying nothing, her face as cold and expressionless as she could purposely make it.  Upon reaching the cabin, she explained they were about to take off, then noticed Ember's glowing eyes in the corner.

She approached the woman, softly inquired.  "Ember, is everything alright?"

"I'm fine!" Ember scowled, spitting out a puff of smoke.

Realizing the explanation would be all she would receive, Demitra ventured over to the opposite corner - noting the parties seemingly purposeful separation.

Bella was speaking to Ryo, "Maybe I should have stayed home."

"We can always leave if you wish," Ryo offered.

"We told the others we were going to meet them.  So I'm going." she huffed.

Demitra approached the couple.  While attempting to keep their conversation private, they had inadvertently raised their voices over the hum of the ship.  The Elonian heard their words, worried issues already presented themselves before they'd even left Tyria.  "Is everything alright you two?" she asked sincerely.

Orabella looked up at Demitra, her brow furrowed.  "Just fine!"

Her empathic abilities kicked in and she felt a wave of anger from Orabella.  Demitra raised an eyebrow.  She had felt such anxiousness and anger from Ember, but never from Bella.  She attempted to speak without infusing it with the emotion.  "Yes, well, the captain says we must remain below deck while we disembark."

"Alright," Bella nodded.  She took in a deep breath, her fist still clinched.

Demitra noticed, but said nothing more.  She was uncertain what transpired while away, but thought it best not to dwell on it.  A glance back washed away some of the apprehension, seeing Prymi and Ember converse.  Perhaps this trip wasn't doomed, after all!

At least… not yet.

To Be Continued...