Quinn the Quick (Brief Bio)

Meet Quinn the Quick.  This young Asura was somewhat lacking in his bio-scientific transmogrification classes and decided to sneak into the lab after hours to prove himself to his professor.  The resulting accident changed his life.

Waking from the explosion, Quinn had believed his experiment a failure.

Later that afternoon, however, he realized it was much more successful the first thought.  In a truly disorienting experience, Quinn discovered he was no longer a "he," and indeed now had female parts!

Confounding this, under certain conditions, Quinn's found his gender swapped back - a disconcerting process that's difficulty in prediction causes even more confusion for the already gender-confused Asura.  Disgraced from his college, he's now forced to discover, on his/her own, exactly what triggers the transformation and how, if possible, to stabilize the process.

Whether girl-type or boy-type, Quinn has now resolved to being the very best Asura he/she can, regardless of the predicament.  Maybe the duality of the situation provides a bit more clarity than one restricted to the views of a certain gender?  Quinn's quest for answers and new insights into gender neutrality persist.
