Nyssa the Zoologist (Brief Bio)

This is Nyssa the Zoologist.  She never had a strong desire to study technology or magics.  Instead, Nyssa found herself completely in love with animals.  She couldn't get enough of them!  It led her down the path to eventually becoming an expert in animal biology and behavior.  She's also freelanced as a tracker, using talents, and picking up on clues most miss.  This has made her a valued member of some of the best research krewes around, and she's been sought out for her tracking skills.  If she were so inclined, she would make a very successful bounty hunter... (As long as she could take a few woodland creatures on her travels!)

A happy-go-lucky nerd, Nyssa really is quite well traveled.  Anytime there's adventure, she's up for it!

She loves all animals, and is usually surrounded by critters!

Nyssa's also a huge bookworm!  She'll plop down anywhere to crack open a book!
