Cassidy Clementine

Character Name: Cassidy Clementine

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Profession: Engineer / Scrapper / Bounty Hunter

Apparent age: 22

Hair: Usually pulled up, almost always hurried and untidy; Golden Brown

Skin: Light

Appearance details: Cassidy wears glasses, and mostly leather.

Religious beliefs/philosophy: "Whatever it takes to get the job done."

OOC Intro:
I had an idea after seeing a new hairstyle enter the game, and after I got some eye glasses that I knew would look amazing together.  Since I only had one other human character on my account, Cassidy Clementine came to be.  There's only a few characters I've made that had their final look almost entirely conceived before I created them.  After playing her for a while, I was completely enthralled.  I decided to post this character sooner, rather than later, since I've already had a running idea of her back-story and her current progression.

RolePlay Brief Story:

“Mah father - the one that raised me - was an honest man.  Was his honesty that kept people comin’ by to git such good deals.”  Cassidy paused, staring at the cloudiness of her liqueur.  She looked up at the gentleman across the table and continued, “It's due ta his good nature that he wasn’t armed when those damned bandits showed up…”

A clicking from her revolver’s hammer could be heard ever so slightly in the busy tavern.  Her table companion froze.

“As much of a pleasurable experience it would be for me to end ya - and the damned smugglin’ outfit ya got goin’ on, I reckon I shouldn't be all personal like - even if it is the bandits ya give’n’ the weapons to.  See, I may have a personal grudge against ya’ll, but I also got me a reputation to uphold.  And, I’ve done been taught by experience that them’s opinion is worth it’s weight… so to speak.”

The man glanced around, seeing Seraph now where patrons once were.  Beads of sweat rolled down his face from the sudden panic.

Cassidy grinned, “Go ahead and try; I want ya to.  I’d save face and still git ya bounty. Best of both worlds, no doubt!”

Weighing his options, the man slowly stood, hands on head.  The Seraph quickly surrounded him and began escorting him out.  The squad captain stood over Cassidy.

“I’ll be by to be collectin’ mah earnin’s shortly.”  She holstered her pistol under the table, leaned back and downed her drink as the remaining Seraph and captain funneled out of the bar. Cassidy smiled, shut her eyes and lingered in the moment.

“Your father would be proud,” came a voice across the table, where the man had been.

Unaccustomed to being waylaid, Cassidy quickly sat up, stumbling to draw her weapon.

The Norn woman shook her head.  “That won’t be necessary,” she said calmly, “Besides, if you kill me, who would take you to see your father?”

“What’d ya know ‘bout it, stranger?  Mah father’s dead; gutted like tha fish he used ta catch by those bandit butchers!”

The woman leaned forward to grab Cassidy’s unwavering attention.  “I meant your birth father...”

Cassidy grew up in a small fishing village on the outskirts of Kryta.  She always felt her calling was outside the norm, and would often stray too far, longing to travel.  She found out her birth parents were involved with the Order of Whispers, and set out to join the Order, herself. During this time, she met Rodia Raventear, and fell under her leadership with missions to assist the Order of Whispers' efforts against Zaithan.

Recent history:
Though the Order of Whispers provided Cassidy opportunity, she soon found herself separating from the organization after a mission caused the death of a comrade.  No ill will toward the organization, Cassidy used the training she had received, as well as her innate tracking ability to serve as a bounty hunter.  Making no pretense about why she does what she does, Cassidy Clementine has earned a name for herself as an adept person hunter.  If you catch wind of her tracking you, it's likely she's almost got you.

Cassidy has a thick accent, giving away her small town origins, to those that know it.  She has a very 'whatever it takes' attitude when she has a goal.  Generally, there's a moral code she won't cross, but those who've been entrapped by her most likely wouldn't know.  She has been a chameleon at times to get what she's after and some of those times have had her do things most wouldn't.

Notable relationships:
While she's definitely flirtatious, she's had no known long-term relationships of note.  She's had friends that have come and gone, but Cassidy has never attempted to hold onto those in her life.  For the most part, she's been alone - aside from the occasional romp with her target (all for the mission, mind you!)

Favored alcoholic beverage:
Cassidy will drink anything from leftover swill to top-shelf Elonian wine.  However, Special Reserve Blood Whiskey would be of great interest to her, if it's available; this reminds her of a special mission she had with some pirates, where she really enjoyed herself (and the captain!).

Favored food: Anything roasted, fried and otherwise no longer living.  Fish hold a very special place in her heart, given her past.  There's not a time she doesn't pass by a fishing market or a fish fry and think of home.

Favored weather or season: Summer and Fall tends to be her favorite times of year.  Although lately, she's actually enjoyed a few Wintersday festivities in Divinity's Reach (which is something that never caught her attention.)

Favored color: Red/Black/Yellow