POOF Pantless HP HoT Run #5 (6-17-16)

So this run was a little strange for me.  Since all my characters already have their elites, I decided to take my husband's newly made Sylvari male.  It was quite a difference playing a male, and while I really really like the way he turned out (almost a native American style of a look -- he's the Rev on the left), I really think the dance is a bit... frilly?  Any masculinity the character had was shot down halfway through the run when me and a fellow Sylvari started to dance.  We finished out the run successfully, took the obligatory 'end of run'  shot, then we all decided to climb our guild's jumping puzzle to end the night.  I remember this because I was the very last person to be standing on the platform at the end of the night after Alex left.  For no reason in particular, just admiring the sunset.

 Click the thumbnail for the full album.  Feel free to comment!